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Quantitative and Spatial Parasitology: Applications in Epidemiology and Ecology

Hosted by the Parasitology Research Laboratory of the Animal Biology Division.


The distributions of parasitic diseases are determined by complex factors, including many that are distributed in space. A variety of statistical methods are now readily accessible to researchers providing opportunities for describing and ultimately understanding and predicting spatial distributions. This short course provides an overview of the quantitative and mapping tools available to parasitologists, ecologists and epidemiologists. Lectures will also be included for new insights into the ecology and epidemiology of parasite infections and diseases. The short course is structured into three branches: statistics, mapping, and modelling. This 5-day training course aims to equip professionals, researchers, and students with the necessary knowledge and skills on spatial dimensions of parasitology and its application in ecology.


To demonstrate selected statistical, mapping, and modelling tools for ecological and epidemiological data;
To perform the various tools for ecological and epidemiological interpretations; and
To evaluate the ecological and epidemiological significance of spatial parasitology and ecology; and apply these concepts in relation to environment, human, and animal health.

For more information and other training you may visit

Institute of Biological Sciences